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Soothing Relaxation Journeys

This compilation has been created to treat your mind and body to four music and imagery relaxation journeys. Each track provides a short break from your daily life and stressors. It only takes 15 to 20 minutes in your day to enjoy one of the journeys.
Music Can Help You Reduce Stress
Across the centuries music has been used in combination with healing practices. The relaxing music on this recording facilitates slower heart and respiratory rates, calms the mind of racing thoughts, and makes it possible for a person to reach a deep level of rest and serenity.
Try it out and listen to the two excerpts.
- Peace and Serenity
- The Colours of the Rainbow
- A Tranquil Sanctuary
- Healing
Amy Clements-Cortes, PhD, RP, MTA, MT‑BC
Sincere Tung, BMT, MTA
To purchase the full album
$20 plus $4 for shipping and handling.
Voices of the Dying and Bereaved

This book presents valuable information on the role of music therapy with respect to a number of issues common to end-of-life care and bereavement with a focus on grief and loss. The purpose of the book is to provide information and examples of ways of working in music therapy with the dying and bereaved for students, professional music therapists, as well as those in related healthcare roles and companions on the journey of the dying. The co-authors practice in an eclectic model of music therapy that is humanistic and client –centered at its core. Part one provides a thematic review of literature describing the use of music in end-of-life care, as well as a summary of music therapy techniques commonly implemented in these environments. This is followed by the presentation of 3 case study chapters based on Clements-Cortes' work in palliative care. Each chapter is completed with a link back to the emerging themes in end-of-life care as outlined in chapter one. Part two presents a thematic review of literature describing the use of music in bereavement, and is followed by 3 case study chapters based on Klinck's work in bereavement care, illustrating the narrative experiences of her research study participants. Part two concludes with the presentation of an author developed Music Therapy Bereavement Group Model. Case studies are presented in narrative format, and in this way honor the voices of the dying and bereaved and fully illuminate the therapeutic process in work towards client identified goals.